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Maps for U.S. History Workbook

Maps for U.S. History Workbook

SKU: 405083

Carson Dellosa Education:

Help your child build US history and map skills through focused lessons, map activities, and more with this geography workbook for middle school and high school students.


The Mark Twain Maps for US History Geography Workbook illustrates the geography of historical events ranging from the first exploration and settlement of the Americas to the post-Civil War years. This middle school and high school geography book includes reproducible maps that can be made into transparencies or digital copies to be used on a classroom projection device.

From the first exploration and settlement of the Americas to the post-Civil War years, Maps for U.S. History book serves as an excellent resource for illustrating the geography of historical events, such as settlement, wars, trade, peace agreements, and territorial expansion, and includes:

• Reproducible black-and-white maps


Mark Twain Media Publishing Company proudly creates engaging supplemental books and decorations for middle-grade and upper-grade classrooms. Designed by leading educators, Mark Twain products cover a range of subjects, including science, language arts, fine arts, government, social studies, history, character, and conduct.

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